Sunday, September 4, 2011

Demigods No Joke

First of all let me start by saying ther is "NO HALF BLOOD HILL" . I know because I am a child of Hestia. I am not the one of the so called big three. I do not have adhd or dislexia I don't know how that got started. Also the gods do not speek greek anymore they let go of that centuries ago. They adapt to how people talk as times change. Olympus is real but even demigods are not allowed there. Hestia is not the pretiest of the bunch but she looks like she could be 18 with a major case of acne. Also about monsters Hades has forbidden them to interfere in demigods lifes and when the do they are severly punished. There is no such thing as the mist. Zeus is not the strict uptight man that is in the Percy Jackson books. All of the gods are very joyful. Lady Hestia claimed me when I was 13 I am currently 27. When she claimed me she looked as if a mere human. I do not have crazy dreams but I do get gifts.Now a different topic would be Poseiden his underwater palace is Atlantis. It is where humans will never explore because the pressure is to much to bear. It is at the farthest point down in the Atlantic Ocean. I will now leave you by saying whatever you want. But please no immature comments.


  1. Please help me i have two friends and myself are half-bloods i am the daughter of athena and 1 of my friends are the daughter of hermes and the daughter of ares i dont know what to do. i was claimed at age of 13 and im still 13 we have no idea what to do or where to go

    1. i am a son of poseidon been attacked by many hell hounds my name is i know you wont probobly believe it but it is perseus i have major dyslexia and adhd i am a good fighting instructor

  2. Hello I'm going to cut to the chase I'm a son of Jupiter Zeus whatever you want to call him I prefer Jupiter I need help I was attacked by a monster two days ago a few came yesterday and a few more came today. I'm very scared and my mom thinks I may know about my true heritage.anyway. I'm very scared I think they're going to come again tomorrow I have 1 friend who I know is a demigod and another 4 who I think could be aswell I need help because I can't hold out much longer. Should I try to find out if the other 4 my friends could be demigods and if they are make a last stand? I need help!!!

    1. You know there are a few things you should do. 1.) have the monsters lose your trail so they do not know where you are. 2.) train like heck so you can defet the monsters. I would recommend training I can help you train right just tell me the type of monster so I know what to show you how to train. PLEASE REAPlY

    2. I am a very skilled swordsman the hell hounds are a bit of a problem but not too bad but the cyclopses they're a problem :(

    3. I would like to tell u that I am a daughter of Aphrodite and my boyfriend is a son of Poseiden and we need now we just started dating and we have encountered several monsters includincg Polybotes and trust me u do not want to fight him. I love Justin ( my bf) I'm 14 and extremely scared I'm lost and I have little training...plz help

    4. Id like to add that the gabby freed below that says we r not real is lying. Just bought id tell u before u thought I was a fake...need help.

    5. Watch each others backs. Don't leave you're mortal families and train with what weapons you have. Oh and also keep you're eyes out for other demigods.

    6. please be roman there are to many Greeks in this it seems as though i'm the only one i can teach you better from a Romans point of view i plan to train all of you with your combat and powers i think if you are the son of Jupiter you might become more powerful than a child of Zeus

    7. We r not Roman. But we do need help. We were captured by Medusa we are somewhere in Philidelphia. She has turned my best friend Paige into stone already. ( p.s found out she was a daughter of Athena.) So plz send help Connor guillot. Thx. She is trying tovtake Justin but I refuse so plz send help its only a matter of time.

    8. Don't worry stay calm and think . I am an inmortal child my dad zeus and my mom aphrodite . Hera is trying to kill me or at least hurt me so find a camp half blood soon !!!!!!

  3. I have mostly had hell hounds but have had a few others. My other 4 friend are also demigods. A few of them helped me today the monsters almost overran us.

  4. I have also had some cyclopses I'm not sure if I spelled it right but you get the point

  5. Cyclopes, they are slow but pack a hell of a punch. Your best chance againsed those are heavy wepions

  6. What kind of swords are you good at. By the way I am a Apollo kid and I have been at this for about 3 yeas now

  7. Also to get more help a lot of my Demigod friends are at this site demigod also my real name is Stephen I use random names that I come up with out of my head so other people do not know I am a demigod. Please get a account on demigod database a lot of people can help you out with your monster prob. One of which is me.

  8. I have a gladius a pilum a katana and a legionaire shield I'm working on getting a bow and thanks for the link I'm going to check it out after this

  9. Wait, where do you live I live in San fransisco.

  10. I believe you I wish I was one lol or idk yet either way I got the history of one being that my grandma is 100% Greek I have ADD always have to do something or I will just flat out loose it I am good at fighting take boxing lessons and even do a little with swords here and their sorry but can't speak Greek lol can speak some Latin haha but sad to say haven't been claimed if so can't remember I can hardly remeber anything of my child hood have a dad and idk who my grandfather was but honestly I don't think I am one but if anyone needs anything i can help no joke any questions about what to do if u are one or anything like that I kinda got curious so I looked up alot of stuff about this over the years well here's my email peace out :p

  11. Hey man I know being a demigod may sound cool but it really isn't as you read above I was under attack (I'm not anymore). As i said it may sound cool and it is sometimes but a lot of the time it isn't in fact it down right sucks a lot of the time. Some days I wonder if I'm going to live to see the next. You could be a demigod I think you might want to register an account on demigod you could be of use here.

  12. Haha trust me I think I would love it I would mined dying knowing I did something awesome and here is how I can help i mean I can really help what I have been studying is ways the gods could show up in ur dreams and show ur past life and future life sure u Demi gods can do that but I can applify that with small spiritual tributes to ur father or mother god if they catch wind of the tribute with the persons specific name attached to it that needs to talk to the god..... Basically u guys would be to busy doing all that cool stuff will have no time to pay tribute witch is a pain and it sucks but I will be willing to do it if u give the name of the person that needs the help and I will do the rest and no I am not killing lambs and other animals to do this each god has a specific want or need that require items or food or drinks they may need if u need more info just email oh and ur dad Apollo is extremely hard to contact i tried to get him to help u with ur fight didn't talk to him probable cause I am a mortal but tried to get him to help

  13. Oh wait ur not Apollo that was the other guy crap all that work for nothing now I feel stupid lol ur the son of Jupiter wow that completely blew my point out Of the water

    1. romans are up north in canada but not to far north to far north is a land without the gods

  14. Well if ur trying to send a spiritual message to the roman version it's a little bit different but not quiet haha yeah sorry bro

  15. .....I figured out my past and I am a Demi Demi god strange to father had the opportunity to take on the gifts of his father....but he denied any part of it and became disowned now hades my grandfather has offerd the same gifts to me apparent and I will be away for a while trying to follow the path of my ansessters I guess or at least that's what he said that's all he gave me he said now that I received my gifts I am more likely to get in danger and as for the offerings to the gods I said I would do for u guys he said it was very generous of me to do but I have my own troubles to worry about so I will not be online for a while I wish u guys the best of luck I will join ur web site after I am done......

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. May I leave you with just one thing? Atlantis might be currently explored by a professor of the university of Hartford, it is highly believed to be in the borders of spain, every detail is matching and rather than being under water, it is underground. Just saying that you should check it out. I believe you when you say you are a child of Hestia, but, I also like truth. You did say that the gods adapt to changes, Hestia is a virgin Goddess so in order to have you she must have lost her virginity right? These are questions I want to know, I'm not trying to be mean I really do wanna find demigods in this world.

    1. hartford as in hartford Connecticut??? i live in CT! holy shit this is a deja vu i've seen this before in a dream!!! you dont think that i could be destined to have found this site!?! ;O omfg that could mean im possibly a demi-god perhaps *le gasp* lol

    2. i'm son of Hades.... I'm 25 and a doctor, my emil is I wish to find real demigods

  18. I am a Demigod, son of Poseidon. I found out when I was 14, 5 years ago. On my birthday he appeared to me while I was out and we talked. Pretty cool guy, I can't see him all of the time, I only saw him 5 times, always on my birthday. I live in Massachusetts. If anyone wants to email me:

    I'll be on here as well periodically.

  19. I want to believe it ive always had a interest in greek and roman history but this seems like wierd role play sh*t

    1. I love Rick Riordan don't get me wrong but I agree that this seems Aa little Much and I posted on here just for fun id like to believe their real but it seems highly impossible. Lille I wish Percy Jackson would come sweep me of my feet...ain't gonna happen. So love for it to be real but it isn't.

    2. Id like to say that if ur real give us some kind of sign I'm a person who believes in science not legends or myths so give me a sign and I will believe that u guys r real but I just don't know...I want to believe that ur real but I cant until I have hardcore proof.

    3. The thing is if I did show you the truth (if the mist didn't intervene) I would probably get struck by lightning or worse and so would you. You either have to believe or not its youre choice.

    4. And as for Percy Jackson he isn't real. He is just a compilation of the work of dozens of demigods.

    5. Thc Connor think u could send help?

  20. Demi God's hahahahahaha, get some sleep. And probably get a life and watch less movies ...

    1. why dont you not read this and get a life of your own the sometimes i do think alot of people are just stupid but after seeing this stuff for myself forgive me for being curious

  21. good luck Fricke and thanks for trying to help ;)
    @ian archer i am not role playing some of the people on here are but most of us are not. You should be glad youre not one of us because ive been through some bad fights and almost died several times in the last few months since i found out.
    @Thunder If you dont believe us then why the h3ll are you even here?Just because you havent experienced something dosent mean its not real because this is very real and very very scary

  22. Me and my friends need help from real demigods. Please respond I will check this everyday.

    1. What do you need help with advice? Training?

    2. me and a few of my friends are heading out im working with my friend Caleb son of possidon to make him stronger and ready him for any form of fight who is your god parent

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. So I'm since me and madashe know each other I need tips on training

  23. I think im a demigod im attacked daily and i have no training i also have no idea of my past besies that i dont have a dad they keep everything a secret from me im 12
    Im attacked daily i need help and advice i check this daily please help thnks

  24. People might claim to know ne but i used a random name so yah my real name is luke but my last doesnt start with f

    1. What kind of weapons do you have and what have you been up against?

    2. dude there are no weapons so get that out of your head a knife might work but hopefully it wont come to that

    3. Well I have a few wicked steel swords and there are godly metals they're just extremely rare

    4. forgive me i prefer knifes over swords

    5. That's alright friend to each his own :)

    6. Although i am getting a weapon soon i dont know what it is but i have a good feeling on what it is

    7. is it celestial bronze or imperol gold (sorry if i spelled that wrong major dyslexia)

  25. first off there's no half blood hill secondly your first obligation should be to A head south B learn about survival C is to always be ready to go at the drop of a hat me personaly i do not think this is Greek for reasons of my own but maybe me and my friends will see you someday we are heading out soon and we need all the help we can get i have one friend who is a Poseidon child and another who is a ares child i'm not going into details on my father all you need to know is he's a jerk
    ,sincerly madashe

    1. I am the son of mars dude live in New Orleans 10 years old I think I am the son of mars I can tell am a demigod (people eyeballing me and want kill me and stalks me).

  26. Oh and to let you know I just now realized madashe is the child of hades I was talking about........ Go figure -.-

  27. dude its pluto like i said roman not greek

  28. look if you are truly serious then we need to move asap tell me when your ready and one more thing if we take you know who she better watch her tongue or so help me i will cut if off

    1. Child of ares she does need to watch her tounge but we may need her. Idk what do you think about her? And like I said I'm going to wait it out a bit. But we need to build a group for sure

    2. Look I've got one problem with her she can't keep her mouth shut and when she talks she's either trying to turn everyone against me or bitching if we leave she needs to know shes not in charge as far as second in command goes i don't care pic who you wish but be wise about it and when you control water BTW focus on nothing but the water and how fluid it is and eventually you will learn remain at peace and then you'll control it

  29. yes well just remember we will wait it out but be progressive while were waiting plot it out and spend months planning recruiting and training Pluto guides me but only to an extent and to anyone who wishes to join tell us your godly parent and we will coach you on your ability's if you have something negative to say that's probably not a good idea we need all the help we can get

    1. The only weapons i have is a few knives

    2. I am not sure if I am a Demi god. I wish to be. I am almost 16 and I have not yet been claimed. I believe I am the son of Poseidon. I need help. I have not yet been attacked but I wish to train. Please message me back. I check this everyday.

    3. zach thomas what color is your hair and eyes

  30. I am a demigod im son of poseidon new york is rough i dont recomend coming to new york

    1. Same here, child of Poseidon, but I'm more south in states than you

  31. Hey so i found a son of Mercury i'll explain later but thats one off the list

    1. Well well what others do we need? Venus, Vulcan, another Neptune, and Jupiter

  32. dude ive got a list recently that totaled up to 21 symbols

  33. There are 21 in all we may have found a few ive definitely found 1

    1. remember that kid we were talking to last time you came over well he i tok the symbols on the list and asked him to point to the one he saw on his arm he had told me a while back there was a symbol on his chest but i never paid attention until now

    2. I need to come over soon… so we can talk privitely

    3. indeed you do also aparenly my weapon will be coming soon talk to you more about it when u come over

    4. One problem you have to come over my house before I can come back to yours

    5. Ah, I see well then I can come over as long as it's cool with them

    6. Yeah, maybe not this weekend because I might work for my grandfather , but mabey the next one

  34. Ok im only 10 but that does not mean anything but things have been happening to me and i think i might be a demigod but all i want to know is how do you know if your a demigod

    1. typically you will be claimed for me it was the symbol of pluto but for you it could be somthing else if theres ever been a symbol on your arm then teel me whatit looked like and i can tell you who your godly parent is

    2. There is nothing i can see on my arm but is it true that when you have a godly parent you cant see him or her

    3. i dont think so i just think there all self centered and dont want to see there children

    4. Oh ok just asking because i dont really see my dad

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Madashe umm Thers something here? My friend who at least claims to see the shit we see came to my house and said he was being fallowes by something big. I looked where he came from and something around 7' ran across the road fast . I'm shaking I'm scared …… THE TIME MIGHT BE SOON

  37. Well my friend hadn't even heard your vision and described the dragon you saw exactly right so whenever we go back be ready and also you should go ahead and call me

    1. We all 3 need to talk amediatly for several reasons such as the problem above to people not going to new arrivals and destination plans

    2. k if you think you can get her attention for five seconds be my guest

    3. Ummmm a friend of mine has a visión about me and some other people there has to be a prophecy i may not have a any especial powers but i have my brain and with the help of my mom (athena) she will guide me through my quest to find demigods in need the monsters ill have to fight are the ones i most fear arachne is One of the many ill need the help of children of hades Posiedon zeus hephuestus aphrodite mars and apollo are the ones my friend told me to search but please this world is in danger reaply pleaasseeee

    4. im a son of zeus my number is 803 629 7488

  38. I have only one question what kind of weapon are you looking for sword or dagger

  39. Either two daggers or something like my Bowie nives if I can't have two I'd take a sword

  40. K i might be able to set you up so far soon i'm probably getting a gladius or so i'm told anyway i'll talk to you tommorow

  41. how do you know if you are a half-blood?

    1. There a few ways such as getting a symbol appearing on your body, mine looked like a tattoo, or I've heard of cases where your godly parent will contact you in some way, wether it's a dream or in real life ( most dreams involving you godly parent seem and are pretty much real) here a few that have indicated that I was one

  42. And madashe , you should still either ask your stepmom or take them from her, please I need some

  43. For the love of god you need to come up here first shut up about that

  44. hi my names jess and i have for as long as i remember i have had dreams about diffrent mosters (sorry about the spelling) and i get major ansiatey about it for as long as i can remember and i have always sen different things around my house and i have long periouds of time that have been blocked out of my memory and i have no idea why and sometimes i have woken up and remember having these dream that i swear have been literally real. the reason i started looking for things like demi gods and things is because we have been learning about it in school so i was just wondering how you know if you are a demi god or not? some pls help!

    1. We share a last name , but not Important. If your a demigod then you will be claimed. Usually by a symbol or marking on you skin. For me it was a light blue trident on my wrist area. Or you godly parent will tell you directly in some way but that's less likely

  45. I'm a son of Athena. I live in Canada, Ont. I won't give any other information, in case they find me. When i was 5, i had a blackout for a year. i woke up in my room, but i didn't know who anybody was. Really creepy, not cool. I am freaked out of creepy crawlers, and I live in the basement, much to my inconvenience. I found other demigod's engravings on some rocks nearby my house. They read:

    Max -> son of Apollo
    Nici -> daughter of Pluto

    There was also a son of Poseidon, and maybe one or two more. I check again some other time. I'm 11, and haven't been claimed yet. My friend is a son of Zeus.

    1. Whats your real ñame maybe you are the one

  46. Oh! One more thing, Nici made two axe-like figures out of crystals.

  47. How do u no if u r a demigod I get signs of things like I can hold my breath underwater for a really long time and the weather will bend to my emotions. Please help me anyone im scared of telling people cause they will think I am crazy. PLEASE HELP ME I AM SOOOOOO SCARED!!!!!!!

  48. Hey drarawizard7 im 11 too but im not sure if I am one how would u no what is claiming anyway some one please help me!!!

  49. You would have to be able to hold your breath for a couple minutes. And what do you mean 'the weather will bend to my emotions'? Do you mean the weather bends to your emotions or your emotions change from the weather. I've recently tried spearing small targets, and i found out i was good. I have a lot of other reasons why I'm her son.

  50. Hello I'm a demigod child of Vulcan my friend is a child of iris and he's a descendent of Jupiter and we fight a lot I found out that he's good with a knife and I'm great with a sword and bow we got attacked by hell hounds are parents have worry but say we're stupid please help us

  51. Hi I'm a demigod child of Hades... if there are any other children of Hades here I will be glad to make acquistance.. I'm a doctor and 25 yrs old... my email is

    1. I can predict death, predict the future and had adhd and dyslexia when i was a child... I have severe insensitivity to light and sun allergy

    2. Hey Well i'm no son of hades but i am a son of athena hice to meet you

  52. I'm a demigod I'm 13 and I'm a son of Hermes I'm we and was claimed last year my choice of weapon was a bow and arrows I also have ADHD and dyslexia

    1. Hi i was claimed two weeks ago im now ares daughter n im nt safe cn someone help me i dnt no wer to go please help

  53. If your a child of Hermes please reply

    1. hello I have a question and I think I might be one... any clues or help?

  54. What is your question? I might be able to help.

  55. How can I confirm that I am his son.... is there a test forit?

  56. I know I am a child of Athena because I am scared to death of spiders. Once, I even got hives!

    1. Hey go to rome you are in danger i'm algo a son of athena arachne

  57. I also recently found out that there is a daughter of Poseidon in my class.

  58. I think I'm a daughter of Apollo.. I'm not claimed so I'm not sure, but I look like my aunt on my dad's side so I'm not sure.. Help!

  59. I think am a demigod because I have a body of a 15 year old but I'm only 13 . I have weird dream abouting being attack by monster and most it took place near water . Everyday I always have a feelings that something is there watching . Help if you can help me find some info

  60. im a son of Poseidon i know this because i can deep sea dive with no air tank and pressure dont brother me oh yeah and coming out in the open and saying a your a demigod is bad juju and the gods can never give up greek so this guy is wrong if you want to know the truth find me on facebook Jarrett Rives

  61. Well i'm not so sure if i'm son of athena but i am a demigod . I have arachnophobia i have weird dreams i'm really smart i'm dislexia and i love owls . Help i'm feeling like i'm being watch and y think i'm part of a prophecy a friend of mine says that i part of a prophecy and i met a god and she hates me hera hates me

    1. I am not sure if I am a demigod at all and I have read u start knowing by the ages around 13-14 and I am 12 and I would help u, even if I am not a demigod I have always been drawn to stuff like this and I always feel like I am being watched but really I can't help u but only with more knowledge all I have to ask u is what do u mean the WORLD is in danger >,<

  62. I am sorry if I sound stupid but I have always thought that I was posiden or Athena's daughter because everyone says I am really smart and I am SCARED of spiders and I have always loved that water and would always wanna stay down there for hours but I can only stay for seconds at a time and I have always thought that if there was any place for me to be safe or for my to be happy or if I am mad, to calm down, would be in the bath tub or a pool and never the beach though I don't really understand that... I also have weird dreams but most of them I can't remember or it's a place in my child hood that seems so far away or a person I can't remember or weird animals and stuff like that and one time it was of a school for people in u favorite TV show that I don't watch anymore but yeah I think I may be a demigod...

    1. Randomly at 5 I started to want hurt something or someone and loved bloody fights became which I was fine with but and bloody war but right I have a felling something's watching me I is making me mad mars if u r my dad please claim do something

  63. Well the gods world not the mortal world

  64. Also I know that a lot of u guys have like ADHD and stuff like that but I don't have that all I have r horrible vision and I am sensitive to some foods and a lot of ppl call me a picky eater but ik it's not only that ._.

  65. My name is Victoria... I don't think I would be the one though I just had a feeling to check my email though and I have 1 email and it was u asking for help and where do u live? I live in Florida and if I am really the one I am lost

  66. Maybe you coluda see the future

  67. Yes I really do think I might be a demigod but if I am... I haven't been claimed and then one of my parents would be a step parent and I hope it's my dad cause he hates me

  68. That would be cool and I would problemly c the past cause I c it in my sleep but I can't remember it and I have never tied to understand it I just let it be there and have me wake up with my dreams being black it's confusing for me cause I would know I have seen something important and I would have forgotten it that easily and I heard something about demigods not liking phones cause they send signals to monsters and demons and enemys but I don't believe that cause I would have already been dead by now...

  69. I just realized you didn't answer the question I asked... so where do you live?

  70. I feel like I am talking too much and that you don't really think I would be one so I am going to shut up for now... bye.

  71. In greece but i move a lot because of the monsters

  72. I haven't heard any and I have moved a lot because we always get kicked out or we had to move and I lived in the same house for about 3 years and now I am finally in one stable home and I might have to move again for some other reason I don't know but there is always a reason...

  73. no fake demigods what do you think I am talking about I am not stupid (you better know what sarcasm is or Imma be mad)

  74. yeah some people don't *cough cough* my cousin *cough*

  75. I need a lot of help please any demigods who are out there beware the giants are Back any Child of athenas do not how to rome you will DIE arachne she is in rome ive been captured by a giant

  76. Just Dont follow the mark unless its a quest but children of athena beware arachne wants all of us

  77. omg now I am really freaked out it sounds like u r renacting the book that I just read where the kids of posiden and Athena get into tartas or something like that my mythology is foggy

  78. So there is no safe place for u guys... And maybe me but I am not sure and I hate not knowin stuff >,< but is there a way I can c if I am really a demigod and where would I go and how would I find out who else is a demigod and prove it to them cause we need friends to help us and for me to keep on this normal life is going to have to stop u REALLY need our help and I am here but we need more not just a few and like in the book, can we join with other mythologys like roman cause we need their help to this is not just one person's problem this is the WHOLE WORLD'S problem! I knew that mythology was not fake I had that feeling now I need help to prove it to my friends that r demigods.

  79. How do I find out? If I find out next month on my birthday that I am a demigod then I am going to freak!!! What do u guys do besides run and I love bows and arrows and swords so what would I get??? We need help an I want to be there is there someone that can explain when u get claimed or how did u find out or when we find out cause my parents r probably my parents but there r some mortals that can c everything and that would probably be me and I want to be there for u guys can someone help me with these questions so I can start training???

  80. I followed the mark i have to avenge my mother bring the statue Back arachne is there

  81. I don't know how to get to Rome, if I am a demigod I haven't been claimed and my parents haven't told me the truth so I really don't think I am the one, unless u can help me find a way and follow the mark, then I can't do anything or go anywhere

    1. Hey:) text me 505-402-8045..I can assist you in knowing. I can channel, I am the son of Zeus and Hera- but completely mortal. Facebook as well-

  82. I also don't have any friends that r demigods that I have found since school is out I wouldn't be able to track them anyways

  83. Victoria, Santiago, you know being a real life demi-god is not the same or even close to the Percy Jackson movies.

  84. Yes I know that but it sounds like this guy is renacting the books -.- do u really think I am that stupid

  85. I can't say I don't know you. I know that I am a son of Poseidon I was claimed when I was 12 and I am nothing like Percy, sure I like the water but no way in hell can I hold my breathe for that long, nor can I heal or replenish myself by touching water. Besides those points I think that the people role playing here should make their own topic or website to do that, this post is like it says for the real demi-gods. Feel free to email me anytime, at

    1. - facebook. text me at 505-402-8045

  86. No but the books vive clues especialy the mark of athena most of the book is true

  87. im just wondering How are you guys claimed to be a demigod? because i would like to be one c:

    1. Omg me too I want to be a demigod but Idk how to get claimed... And I have both my parents so my parents better have been in a three way at the time :P

    2. Listen im desprite i am truly. ares daughter i was claumed 13 n i need somewhere to go my mom hates. me n my father lives in cali well my stepdad anyways HELP

  88. You do not choose to get claimed. If you do, great! If not, there is nothing you can do to change the God's minds.

  89. Nope joey its true i am a real demigod n who r u to replie a lie to me i hav enough trouble wth humans alredyi hate hw u guys dont believe in things jst because u havent seen it ur self

  90. Hey..I'm the son of Zeus and Hera, I was named "Suns" by them. I'm 22 years old, and have just discovered this. I would really like to hear from you, as I'm trying to connect with demigods. Hit me up on Facebook @ shoot me a text 505-402-8045. Talk to you soon:)

  91. I am in need of assistance from REAL demigods. I am 22 years old and have just discovered I am the son of Zeus and Hera. They named me Suns..on the other side. The archangels and guardian angels know me as Rayzars. I have passed through the mortal realms to assist humanity. I am publishing a book which I'm currently working on right now in April 2016 called "An Angels Breathe- an account to the other side." I am here to assist humanity on this brink of destruction and shifting into the new age..once I am done, I can go home. But I need the assistance of demigods to complete my objective here on earth as a you have channeling abilities. Please contact me on Facebook- "" or "" Text or Call me @ 505-402-8045

    1. Listen same story. I'm a son of Zeus and Hera. I'm god of Space and Time paces. Welcome to the outcasts

  92. I would love to hear more about you, son of Apollo here.

  93. Hi,
    Well I believe that I am the child of Zeus. I think I have been claimed but when it happened I was so confused and wasn't sure what to believe. Me and one of my best friends recently started talking about this and she believes that she is the child of Poseidon. I just want someone to talk to me about this because I feel like things like "Percy Jackson" are clouding my mind when I try to think about the Greek Gods. I'm really nervous and excited about finding this site. Just to clarify in case anyone wants to know; I think I am the child of Zeus because lately I have been really stressed and there have been a lot of lightning storms in my area. When I hear thunder I am instantly calmed and when I see lighting I feel like someone is watching over me and protecting me. Other people I know are afraid of lightning but to me its a good omen and not a bad one. I can hold a grudge for a very long time and sometimes I will mess with my enemies psychologically and I am very proud and enjoy positions of power. Can someone just kind of explain this whole demigod thing to me so I can see what real demigods from all over the world are saying so that I am not just thinking about 'Percy Jackson" or any of the other fictional greek god stories? Thank you all so much.

    1. I live in the south so I don't get thunderstorms but I absolutely LOVE them. Its like they lull you to sleep at night. Actually everything you described about yourself describes me too. The thunder is calming and comforting and the lightning is is too. I get hazy on the Percy Jackson stories and actual Greek stories.

    2. How do you know when you're claimed?

  94. A lot people think I could be a demigod. They think I may be a daughter of Athena, Poseidon, or Hermes (Mostly Athena and Hermes).

  95. I am a son of Hephaestus. My mother named me after him (Volcanus). I was actually claimed at 11 while I was blacksmithing. I really excelled in that, and my mother got me a work shed. Sons and Daughters of Hephaestus are not always immune to fire. They can withstand it. I could at least stand in fire for 10 minutes without it hurting. When you are claimed it will be one of the happiest moments of your life. I have met Hephaestus many times in fact. I have forged with him. One of the best dads ever.

  96. let me start by saying that im unsure as to weather im a demigod or not. i came here for answers and ide appreciate it if anyone had some answers. heres what i got. im 18, im adopted, so ive never known my real parents. my adoptive parents met my birthmother but my birthfather was never brought up. ive always had an interest in anything sharp or that goes boom. basically anything war. my adoptive parents hate weapons so my interest didnt come from them. everything i pick up is a weapon before its anything else, and i have a natural affinity for both armed and unarmed combat. i think i may be a child of ares but i really dont know. thx in advance for any info.

  97. Okay lets cut to the chase, Over half of these comments arnt real demigods, When they use computers/cellphones it attracts monsters, But where IS camp half blood? or is there a camp?

    1. No it doesn't and there is no camp on this planet. Maybe in Olympus but not here.

  98. Ive just got interested in studying greek all of this really real? I think i might be a least im hoping but how can i find out? i want to believe that i am and that this does exist but how can i? plz help im only 14

  99. I need help and fast im being chased no mater how hard I try to hind my true identity or no matter where I go im in PA and im requesting for help please someone tell me what I should do im scared I have a little training but need more !

    1. Your not being chased by anything, godly at least. There are no MONSTERS!

  100. This comment has been removed by the author.

  101. hey everyone i think i'm a demi god. I haven't been clamed yet but i kno water is the safest place for me i might b the son of the big 3 but idk and i have so much traning and i'm willing to help if anyone wants help i'm in north philly and i train at the "PAL CENTER" and if u want to train hit me up and i havent faced any mosters but i think i seen a hell hound so come throw i'll b there friday and i'm a twin

  102. Is this all for real, or are you all just lying? I need answers.. I think I may be a demigod

  103. I really am the son of Poseidon, and there are no monsters, so that is an easy way to tell.

  104. I am a bit confused as most of these comments start with "I am really" Or "I believe". Its like your all trying to confuse one another any something. I have a long story but let me say something. I have not been claimed there has been no big green trident over my head no nothing. Well if there was I can't remember. I have had this happen to me before in friends swimming pools or public swimming pools. I have been able to breathe under water. Only once at a time and through my nose in sort in small breathes through my nose. I haven't been able to do this for about 2-3 years. I have told my parents but they have just said "Im sure you did" Which I assume there just not trying to make me feel crazy or bad because I think I can do something only fish can do which live under the ocean. Now there's one problem with every one else's comment. They haven't had a story to go with it they have just hoped or believed they are they son of Poseidon just like in the book.

  105. I also managed to control the rain yesterday. It was amazing. I could make the rain stop at will. unfortunately I had trouble turning the rain on. Its really simple though.

    1. You didn't control the rain. If you could you'd be able to restart it or you would be kidnapped by the Air Force and tested on to see how you can do that. And to my knowledge there are no more than 20 kids from the Big 3. We all know who the big 3 are. So everyone here that says their a kid of Poseidon 95% are lying. Saying your a son/daughter of Ares or Athena.

  106. Omg that's so cool Haz but I can't help u with anything or say that something is true or false cause I am not a demigod but god man I wish I was and if I was then I would be the daughter of Poseidon cause I love water and if it wasn't for my glasses, rain too

  107. i am a son of zeus not jupiter romans are more up north like canada

  108. ive been to the elysium i saw achillies trus. met it was a hell of a time getting out

  109. I have a problem, I think I am daughter of Khione because I never get cold I am really pale, but I have the feeling I am being watched, I am only safe for now I hope because I am only 12 though...
